Design of a field guide for the sighting of dolphins Tursiops truncatus in Puerto El Morro (Ecuador)
ecotourism, conservation, Dolphin, Guide, Design, HandbookAbstract
The instructional guides for whale watching activities are didactic tools that support achieving the objectives of ecotourism,favoring the preparation of tourist guides. Providing guides with information that encourages the valuation and conservation of bottlenose dolphinsTursiops truncatus,locally known as “bufeos”, the printed material strengthens the capabilities of the main link between the public and the dolphins; the tour guides of dolphin watching activities. Surveys of the clients and guides were conducted to determine the topics of the greatest interest to the tourist of the Mangrove Wildlife Refuge of El Morro and tourist guides were evaluated on guidance quality over related ecological topics. 76% of the users of the operators surveyed (N = 22) perceived the dolphin as the main tourist attraction against avian species and the mangrove ecosystem. The identified topics were selected to develop the handbook on Dolphin watching in Puerto El Morro.
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