Villages and mining operations as sources of rural tourism resources: Andévalo Occidental, Huelva (Spain)
Metal Mining, Iberian Pyrite Belt, Mining and Industrial Heritage, Tourism Mining, socioeconomic development, Western AndévaloAbstract
Until recently, talk about tourism in the province of Huelva was to do exclusively with the coastal areas. Even today, and for a long time, these areas will continue hoarding the bulk of demand and equipment, based on the binomial “sun and sand”. However, in recent years the interior spaces are approaching the new demand for tourism, offering a rural landscape, an environment and a diffe- rent cultural and historical heritage to you coastal tourist areas. A little beyond this issue, industrial and mining areas, sunk into crisis ore production system, today found a new path for development in the value enhancement of industrial mining heritage. One such area is the Andévalo Western mining, where mining has been one of the pillars upon which traditionally has built its economy, which has marked its evolution through the centuries. The development of the municipalities located in this region has been based essentially on short-term exploitation of natural resources, almost exclusively from metal mining.
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