Mount Roraima in South America, Venezuela: World Tourism Destination Nature
Roraima Mount, Ecotourism, Indigenous People, National ParkAbstract
The objective of paper was to analyze and describe the investigations accomplished in Ve- nezuela in the base of National Park Canaima in (2007) in the indigenous community of Paraytepuy de Roraima (South America). The methodology studies the book of visitations of Roraima Mount, in the years from 2002 to 2003, 2005 to 2006 and 2006 to 2007. In this period it was made the walk to Roraima Mount top in the company of the guides and indigenous loaders Pemón Taurepáng. Ap- proximately 3.500 people visit Roraima Mount a year. The South American peoples have 45,70% of the visitations, European 38,48%, American North 5,12%, Asian 4,12% and Oceanic 1,03%. The terrestrial access to Roraima Mount is only accomplished by Venezuela.
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