Agritourism project in Terra de Lemos (Galicia)
Agritourism, Intangible cultural heritage, Product tourism, Rural tourism, Tourism of experienceAbstract
The Project for the Recovery of Galician Intangible Cultural Heritage known as Ronsel Project intends to promote the reassesment and conservation of Galician Intangible Cultural Heritage or Patrimonio cultural inmaterial (PCI). The richness and complexity of heritage derived from a great variety of cultural and social expressions calls for the establishment of a wide action plan that proves capable of achieving the following basic goals: identification, documentation, research, protection, promotion, transmission and socialization of Intangible Cultural Heritage. The Ronsel Project, de- parts from the principle that it is possible to identify strategies of economic development based on the traditional knowledge and practices that allow for innovative ways of administering, thus contributing to guarantee the sustainable growth of the community and the conservation of its natural and social environment. The following article presents the activities financed by the INCITE program, thus offe- ring a first assessment on designing tourism products based on intangible cultural heritage.
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