An Afternoon with the Authentic Maasai Mara. Tourism, Authenticity, and How to Avoid a Bottomless Pit


  • Alfredo Francesch



tourism, authenticity, value, symbolic capital, Maasai


“Authenticity” is a key concept in touristic affaires, and recently it is being attended by spe- cialized journals. This text tries to avoid an overly metaphysical and essentialist approach to authenti- city, and it suggests instead of that, analyzing in terms of social practices and productions. It follows an interactive agency model in a social range, wherein people try their symbolic capital to become effective. With this aim, the article envolves ethnographical materials collected on Maasai Mara Na- tional Reserve (Kenya). The article doesn’t tend to offer a definite conclusion to this mattern, but to open more proper ways to the social sciences.


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Author Biography

Alfredo Francesch

Doctor en Antropología Social. Departamento de Antropología Social y Cultural. Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España).


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How to Cite

Francesch, A. (2011). An Afternoon with the Authentic Maasai Mara. Tourism, Authenticity, and How to Avoid a Bottomless Pit. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 9(2), 237–248.