Gringo on the slab: production, circulation and consumption of the tourist favela


  • Rafael José dos Santos



tourist favela, Gringo on the slab


Since the last two decades of the 20th century, the social sciences have been trying to overcome explanatory models based on dichotomies and polarities, often bearing judgements. The overcoming of these models or paradigms, abstract constructions that say more about themselves than about the studied empirical universes, has been possible, on the one hand, by the adoption of new comprehensive and interpretative references, and, because of the very multifaceted and complex dynamics of social phenomena in contemporary society.


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Author Biography

Rafael José dos Santos

Doutor em Ciências Sociais, mestre em Antropologia, Professor do Mestrado em Turismo da Universidade de Caxias do Sul, RS, Brasil


Feldman-Bianco, Bela (org). Antropologia das sociedades contemporâneas. São Paulo: Global, 1987.

Graburn, Nelson. Antropologia ou an- tropologias do turismo? In Graburn, Nelson [et al]. Turismo e antropologia: novas abordagens. Campinas, SP: Pa- pirus, 2009. (Coleção Turismo).

Urry, John. Consuming places. Londres: Roudglege, 1995.



How to Cite

dos Santos, R. J. (2019). Gringo on the slab: production, circulation and consumption of the tourist favela. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 9(3), 105–107.