Rethinking the architectural richness of the district of Praia Grande through places of memory
cultural heritage, urban space, memory spot, cultural tourism, historic center of Sao LuisAbstract
The paper analyzes the existing places of memory in the district of Praia Grande, São Luís, Maranhão, seeking to reflect on its importance in the composition of the tourist city. The study is a qualitative approach, relating to urban issues, cultural heritage and memory, to analyze the meanings, practices and social relations that involve the dynamics of the district of Praia Grande. Through semi-structured interviews with residents, it is concluded that the landmarks of the Praia Grande are enunciators feelings of belonging and identity and can become elements of cultural tourism boosters site. The study highlights the need to incorporate different sociability present in the material and sym- bolic spaces where social interactions take place in the development of tourism, to contribute to the enhancement of cultural heritage.
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