The Pre-Hispanic Vestiges in the Former Forest of Manzanilla in Puebla, Mexico. From Ar- cheological Site to Tourist Product
Archeological ruins, Historic value, Heritage siteAbstract
The pre-Hispanic ruins located in the former forest of Manzanilla, at the north-east of Puebla, in Mexico, constitutes an important heritage site that has been absorbed by the urban growth, forgotten and abandoned. The purpose of this work is to call for rescue, preservation and rehabilita- tion of this unique site in order to convert it into a new tourist attraction. The present case study was carried out using such methodological tools as documentary analysis, interviews with experts and observations in situ. The analysis of the results has allowed us to conclude that total recovery and preservation are possible by means of a number of suggested actions aiming the incorporation of this pre-Hispanic site into the existing tourist offer of the city of Puebla.
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