Tourism in television: the case of Buscamundos. Viajes por la vida


  • Giovanna Mapelli



solidarity tourism, travel report, travel documentary, tourism communication


The alternative tourism defends the development of the most needy communities, respecting the environment and the local culture. From this conception, the television program Buscamundos. Viajes por la vida borns. It shows the hardest aspects of travel destinations and emphasizes the contact with native population. The aim of this paper is to analyze the linguistic features of this program, stressing the innovations provided to the language of tourism. In particu- lar, it focuses on the ?rst episode, dedicated to Haiti and it analyzes the content and the communicative strategies, verbal and visual, used to outline this destination and to promoting this modality of tourism. Likewise, it will study the website of the program and its page on Facebook.


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Author Biography

Giovanna Mapelli

Università degli Studi di Milano (Italia)


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How to Cite

Mapelli, G. (2012). Tourism in television: the case of Buscamundos. Viajes por la vida. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 10(4), 97–104.