The Leisure in Religious Tourism: an analysis of discourses on tourism
Religious tourism, Leisure, Discourse analysisAbstract
The article presents the results of research of the perception of different Brazilian authors on religious tourism associated with leisure, showing the changes in religious events, which demonstrate an integration of the sacred with the profane. The profane is understood by them as the sale of products and services associated with religious festivities, fairs and visits without religious connotation. The course methodology adopted included: mapping and identification of classical references in Portuguese on the subject, reading and grading of the approaches adopted by the authors, discourse analysis author through the model of analysis of the Collective Subject Discourse, associated with a critical discussion - reflective discourses that stand out in the texts. At the end you can see two perspectives of analysis and reflection of these authors: the first focuses its analysis on the physical movement of devotees and the association of the activities performed in the shrines with leisure activities and socializing. The second perspective of the analysis presents arguments on the religious tourism with a focus on devotion and faith. The results allow to discuss whether the association of leisure decreases the feeling of faith and devotion intrinsic to pilgrims and pilgrimages and religious tourism of the model associated with leisure events makes this kind of planning less religious and more secular
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