Affordable tourism as a competitive advantage: implications for the image of the tourist destination


  • Matthew Smith
  • Ericka Amorim
  • Cláudia Soares



destination image, affordable tourism, destination communication


The image of tourist destinations is commonly associated with their natural and cultural attributes and their advantages over other destinations. With the growing number of destinations, it is natural to increase the competitiveness among them, seeking to increasingly create efficient strategies to position and communicate their attributes. To discuss the impression that has been given to Accessible Tourism (AT), we have chosen to discuss the issue of the need to adapt spaces, in view of the characteristics of current demand and how this information is recorded for tourists. The central debate of this document aims to address the issue of AT as a response to current demands and the image of the destination. For this, it is essential to understand the Tourism Destination image or brand image, the image of the destination


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Author Biographies

Matthew Smith

The University of Georgia, USA

Ericka Amorim

Universidade de Nova de Lisboa (UNL), Portugal

Cláudia Soares

Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brazil


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How to Cite

Smith, M., Amorim, E., & Soares, C. (2013). Affordable tourism as a competitive advantage: implications for the image of the tourist destination. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 11(3), 97–103.