What is the value of the marine heritage of a protected coral reef area? The context of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System
coral reef, marine heritage, Contingent Valuation, Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System, participative managementAbstract
The coral reef provides aesthetic, economic and eco systemic benefits, although rarely we recognize the
heritage value assigned by dependent populations. This case of study analyzes two international diving destinations
in Marine Parks of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System (MBRS). There, this marine heritage is partially
managed in a participative way, and without reference points for the assigned value. Applying Contingent Valuation, we determined the locally assigned value to the reef. Without asserting that conservation strategies have permeated to the settler, 98% of respondents expressed willingness to fund partially actions in favor to the reef. The main reef values are the tourism per se, and the intangible values such as the own existence and the benefits that they may inherit. Implications are discussed in view of growing demand for this ecosystem.
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