Topographic tourism and narrative territories - concepts and critical analysis


  • João Luís Jesus Fernandes Universidade de Coimbra



Tourism, Places, Topographical, Characters, Marketing


Nowadays, they try to diversify their tourist experiences. As an alternative to the more massive models of sun and sea enjoyment, the landscape is a central resource in a qualitative tourism focused on culture but also on relevant personalities and their biographical places.
These topographies have been important both for tourists interested in a cultural experience
deeper, both for devotees who seek the places associated with their idols. However, in many
These topobiographies are the result of contested choices, which gives the tourist landscapes a political and ideological dimension. Many of the characters that become heritage reflect political choices that are of interest to dominant groups. In other examples, by opportunism, the places evoke in an abusive way characters who identify little with these geographical spaces. In other cases, when the image of a place is reduced to a celebrity, the risk of stereotyping is incorrect. Here, the advantages tourism that can be taken from that name, have as a counterpoint the reductionist simplification of the place.


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Author Biography

João Luís Jesus Fernandes, Universidade de Coimbra


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How to Cite

Jesus Fernandes, J. L. (2013). Topographic tourism and narrative territories - concepts and critical analysis. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 11(4), 687–698.


