Tourism and its environmental implication: analysis from the observation of tourist use - the case of Faro, Portugal




Sustainable Tourism, environmental damage, quality of water, solid residues, coastal management, Ria Formosa.


The development of tourism, in the Algarve region, has been an important trigger for transformations that have culminated in economic advantages and opportunities within and outside the tourism sector. However, the environmental impact and its social implication are not always perceived in an adequate way. This study refers to an analysis of tourism use carried out in the Ria Formosa in Faro, together with environmental impact records. This research allowed us to understand the need for a monitoring of possible negative impacts in the region. Among the relevant points found, the continued use of plastic utensils between the resident population and the tourist industry stands out. Despite the good acceptance and positive perception of tourism, growing environmental impacts generated by the contamination of different activities are observed. It is concluded that waste management, together with population and tourism awareness are key factors for sustainable tourism, respectful with the environment and the local culture of Faro.


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How to Cite

Pimentel de Oliveira Santos, D., & Burle Costa, G. (2020). Tourism and its environmental implication: analysis from the observation of tourist use - the case of Faro, Portugal. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 18(2), 279–291.