Socially entrepreneurial practices in the tourism sector: analysis of the conditions of Third Sector Organizations (TSO)
social entrepreneurship, tourism, sustainability, third sector organizations (TSO), social capital, human capital, financial capitalAbstract
Tourism is a phenomenon that arouses great political interest, largely because of the potential attached to it in promoting the economic growth in destinations. The present study seeks to explore the notion of social entrepreneurship as a mechanism for the intervention of the OTS in the tourism context of Cape Verde. Based on the qualitative methodology, its main objective is to evaluate the conditions of the Cape Verdean tourism context, particularly on the Boa Vista island, aiming the implementation of social entrepreneurship initiatives conceived by national and local OTS. The results show a context that faces several social and economic problems, but also presents resources and opportunities that can be enriched and potentialized for tourism purposes. Social entrepreneurship is perceived as an opportune mechanism for this purpose, and a potential mitigation tool for the imbalances caused by mass tourism.
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