Tourism in Cape Verde in the newspapaer O Arquipélago (1962-1974)


  • Eduarda Rovisco CRIA/ISCTE-IUL



tourism, colonialism, press, propaganda


Craft is an activity that can be analyzed in its historical, economic, social, cultural and environmental dimensions. It is connected to the tourist industry, thus having great potential in generating income for the region develops. Taking into account this aspect we can say that this is an activity in accordance with the strategies/alternatives for local development. To that end, this study seeks to examine the role of cultural tourism on the island of Santiago, taking as case study the craft. Therefore, the main objective is to analyze how tourism can contribute to the preservation and appreciation of the craft of the island of Santiago and analyze the relationship between tourism and culture, and the contribution of the local community in the preservation of traditional cultural know-how the island. We used a qualitative analysis as a quantitative analysis. We applied 120 inquiries to the population of Santiago.


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How to Cite

Rovisco, E. (2019). Tourism in Cape Verde in the newspapaer O Arquipélago (1962-1974). PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 17(3), 555–568.