Forecasting the demand for suborbital space tourism in Mexico: results of an Internet study


  • María Angélica Piñón González Universidad del Mar (campus Huatulco)
  • José María Filgueiras Nodar Universidad del Mar (campus Huatulco)



space tourism, market research, suborbital flights, virgin Galactic, XCOR aerospace


This article presents the results of research carried out on the Internet between February and June 2016. It begins by presenting suborbital space tourism (ST) and justifying the interest of its study for Mexico. Subsequently, we present the relevant market studies of space tourism. After explaining the methodology followed, the 10-year forecast of ST demand in Mexico is presented over three scenarios: the base, where 422 passengers would travel to space, generating a total of 84.4 million dollars (MD); the expanded version where 1,334 passengers would fly, generating revenues of 266.8 MD.; and the restricted scenario, withonly 95 passengers and revenues of 19 MD. at the end of the chosen time period. The text closes with some final reflections, where the usefulness of the data obtained is discussed.


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How to Cite

Piñón González, M. A., & Filgueiras Nodar, J. M. (2018). Forecasting the demand for suborbital space tourism in Mexico: results of an Internet study. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 16(4), 1119–1130.


