Tourism Marketing Strategy of World Heritage Sites through 2.0 events
Cultural tourism, Sustainability, Events, World heritage, Tourism marketingAbstract
The declaration of UNESCO World Heritage, as an international recognition of the destinations, represents a rising value in Spain. The change of paradigm that represents the tourism marketing 2.0 conditions its strategic management and the destabilization of the traditional demand of the territories. Cultural events linked to heritage, disseminated through social networks and multimedia platforms, undoubtedly contribute to strengthening the brand image of these destinations as they are resources that are identified as active, intentional and strategic tourism assets. The aim of this research is to analyse whether 2.0 events, planned by the destination management bodies (DMOs) in the social profiles of World Heritage Sites in Spain (cultural property category), represent a key factor in boosting their tourism promotion by being integrated into territorial marketing strategies. By means of content analysis, an exploratory study is carried out on 578 events with social profiles on Facebook and 508 on Twitter, which allows the effectiveness of communication and relationship management of the 2.0 events to be verified, based on three variables: audience analysis (publications and follow-ups), interaction and the interest aroused in new tourists as adprosumers.
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