Assessment of water use on the island of San Andrés: tourists, hotels and tourist homes




water use, hotels, guesthouses, tourists, water conflict


In 2016, the island of San Andrés in the Colombian Caribbean was declared a public calamity because it did not have enough water resources to meet the water demand of a growing resident and floating population. At the same time, there is a model of mass tourism that is rooted in relative scarcity and to understand its impact, this paper makes an analytical assessment of water use in the accommodation service: it documents the perception, patterns of use and saving strategies that tourists, hoteliers, tourist homes and government entities have about water and finally the signs of conflict between the tourism sector and residents over the resource.


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How to Cite

James Cruz, J. L., & Barrios Torrejano, D. J. (2020). Assessment of water use on the island of San Andrés: tourists, hotels and tourist homes. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 18(2), 293–308.