Human resources practices and innovation in tourist accommodation SMEs in Machala, Ecuador: An exploratory study
SMEs, Strategy and competitive advantage, Human resources, Strategic factor and tourist accommodations.Abstract
The complexity and high level of uncertainty generated by the changes faced by tourism accommodation SMEs require that their management practices be modified to give priority to human resources. The present study focuses on an analysis of the present practices in human resource management as a strategic factor for the successful performance of these organizations. To this effect, a cross-sectional analytical study was carried out that included SMEs for tourism accommodation in Canton Machala in the province of El Oro in Ecuador. Theoretical methods such as synthetic, analytical and historical logic were used together with empirical analysis of documents plus observation studies,interviews and surveys. The results show that the present use and management of human resources is insufficientI, impacting negatively on the competitiveness of tourism accommodation SMEs in Canton Machala in the province of El Oro, Ecuador.
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