Public policy based on strategic planning: an analysis of the tourism territorial system in the municipality of Joinville (SC)
Tourism management, Tourist areas;, Tourism planning;, Public policies, Strategic planningAbstract
This article presents an assessment of formal strategic planning to boost the development of tourism in the city of Joinville (SC), by way of a management tool capable of producing subsidies for the treatment and constitution of public policies for the local tourism. In the context of a critical perspective that seeks to understand structure and strategy as an integral part of its economy, the study comprises an approach based on the model of land planning for tourism and how, after impact assessment has been carried out, it is possible to establish immediate integral investment priorities. It was found that the lack of coordination and cooperation between the public administration and the tourist trade tend to make it impossible to carry out the management and marketing plans for the tourism sector in the municipality, that are important concepts for the increase of activity.
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