Archaeology and the Environment in Los Tuxtlas: Where Does the Scale Tilt?




Heritage, Culture, Los Tuxtlas, Environment


This study presents the problematic case of the Sierra de Los Tuxtlas with regard to the different forms of management, dissemination, and attention dedicated to the environment and archaeological remains by the authorities, the tourism sector, and the population of the region, who favor ecology over archaeology. Through a comparison between two museums and one tourist attraction, which claims to promote the ecology and cultural history of the region, this study exposes disinformation about the archaeological past which causes confusion related to culture and identity among local inhabitants by promoting non-local ethnic manifestations to attract the attention and interest of tourists. This study proposes that archaeology and ecology be considered together to strengthen the society’s bonds with its past.


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How to Cite

León Estrada, X. del A. (2018). Archaeology and the Environment in Los Tuxtlas: Where Does the Scale Tilt?. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 16(2), 401–413.


