Tourist interpretation of the Athenian Agora according to Pausanias' "Description of Greece".




Heritage interpretation, Ancient travel history, Achaeological tourism, description of Greece, Pausanias, Athenian Agora


Contemporary archaeological heritage presents difficulties that require immediate attention. The decontextualization of archaeological remains gives them an abstract dimension, which complicates their understanding by the non-expert public. Heritage Interpretation (HI) is therefore the tool to solve this issue. It enables individuals to understand the object in its full context, providing funtional and space-time references to archaeological sources (Hernández and Rojo, 2012). HI will be used in the research to solve the problem of the Ancient Greek Agora, one of the Athenian resources with the most intrinsic value. Through the analysis of this resource and the historical discourse of Pausanias, a significant traveller in Ancient Greece, an interpretative itinerary method is going to be developed. All previously stated arguments have as a main objective the creation of a more authentic concept of tourism and heritage, cemented in Ancient Times; which is differentiated from standardized products, and allows for tourism development and heritage protection.

Key Words: Heritage Interpretation, Ancient Travel History, Achaeological Tourism, Description of Greece, Pausanias, Athenian Agora.


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How to Cite

Muñoz Tejero, F. M., & Morère Molinero, N. (2017). Tourist interpretation of the Athenian Agora according to Pausanias’ "Description of Greece". PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 15(4), 959–978.


