Tacit knowledge, tourism transversality and local development. The example of a desolate city in the process of conversion: Lorca (Region of Murcia, Spain)
Territorial revitalization, Cultural tourism, Tacit knowledge, Local developmentAbstract
The city of Lorca (Region of Murcia, Spain) suffered significant damage on May 11, 2011, when two earthquakes hit that town causing 8 fatalities, hundreds of injured and countless material damages. Since then, numerous urban and heritage rehabilitation projects have been undertaken. In 2014, the Research Group "Territorial Dynamics, Analysis and Planning", of the University of Murcia, obtains funding from the Seneca Foundation (Science and Technology Agency of the Region of Murcia) to develop the Research Project "Cultural tourism in the revitalization of the historical heritage of Lorca: actors and strategies". Aware that the rehabilitation requires a parallel revitalization, capable of originating a positive and complete gentrification, the analysis of the relations and interdependencies between tourism, heritage, historic cities and local development is proposed.
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