State and model of tourism development on the northern coast of Peru: The case of Mancora, Piura


  • Fernando Gonzalez Velarde Investigador Asociado del Instituto TIDES Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria



Coastal Tourism, Northern Peru, Model of Tourism Development, Mancora, Land Invasions, Neoliberalism, Sustainable Tourism


This article explores recent processes of tourism development led by the private sector and the market in the North coast of Peru. Based on the case of Mancora, Piura, the author analyses “Peru’s neoliberal model of tourism development”, which has been implemented in the last few decades. Next, the author moves on to examining, through an ethnographic approach, the tensions and problems brought about by the implementation of this model in Mancora. Finally, the author looks at the recent efforts aimed at implementing an environmental policy agenda in Peru and the still insufficient attempts at changing the current model of tourism development. The author concludes that the role of the state in developing local destinations should be urgently transformed in order to assure the sustainability of tourism in Peru.

Keywords: Coastal Tourism, Northern Peru, Model of Tourism Development, Mancora, Land Invasions, Neoliberalism, Sustainable Tourism.


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How to Cite

Gonzalez Velarde, F. (2017). State and model of tourism development on the northern coast of Peru: The case of Mancora, Piura. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 15(4), 867–881.


