Milestones in relation to sustainable development and the growing environmental nexus within the phenomenon of mega sporting events


  • Laila Borges da Silva Universidade Federal Fluminense - UFF



Tourism, Sustainability, Mega sport events, Environmentalism


This qualitative research aims to bring to the understanding how the concept of sustainability was incorporated into the realization of sports mega events. With a descriptive method, decision-making milestones were presented in this historical process to which the environmentalist nexus was its main north. To achieve this proposal, bibliographic research and document analysis were carried out. These allowed the identification of facts related to the insertion of sustainability in the mega events and the identification of the significance of the mega event as a segment and complex phenomenon that tourism encompasses. The research in the documentation of bodies and entities related to the proposed theme converged in the two major organizers of this type of event: the IOC (International Olympic Committee) and FIFA (International Federation of Associated Football). This resulted in the considerations of one of those mentioned, to which the basic document Football Stadium: recomendation and requirements and the Green Goal, FIFA's programme - the organiser of the World Cup among other football championships - were listed, to enable reflections on sustainable development and the impact of events on the host location.


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Instituto Universitario de Investigación Social y Turismo. Universidad de La Laguna (España) - Instituto Universitario da Maia ISMAI (Portugal)


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How to Cite

Borges da Silva, L. (2019). Milestones in relation to sustainable development and the growing environmental nexus within the phenomenon of mega sporting events. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 17(1), 179–192.


