Domestic tourism: potential demand for community-based tourism centers in Ecuador?


  • Enrique Armando Cabanilla Universidad Central del Ecuador
  • Xavier Lastra Universidad Central del Ecuador
  • Juan Pazmiño Universidad Central del Ecuador



Community-based tourism, Tourism Ecuador


Community tourism in Ecuador is a local management model that has been developed for over 30 years. Currently, a large percentage of Community Tourism Centers (CTC) are not operational or have not been legalized , partly because they have not reached a sufficient flow of visitors , enough for full sustainability. Many of the CTC are maintained mostly receptive flows, making it difficult to have a sustained development of source markets. Therefore, this investigation is about whether the resident in the city of Quito (capital of Ecuador) is a potential demand for the services offered by these enterprises. It concludes with a high possibility of consumption of community tourist services by quiteños, the reasons why residents in the city would visit or not these places, together with an analysis of other demographic variables that will help the tourism product to target a possible promotion strategy in this market.


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How to Cite

Cabanilla, E. A., Lastra, X., & Pazmiño, J. (2017). Domestic tourism: potential demand for community-based tourism centers in Ecuador?. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 15(3), 579–590.


