The cultural tourist: typologies and analysis of destination assessments based on the case study of Cuenca-Ecuador


  • José Prada-Trigo
  • Daniela Armijos Chillogallo Instituto Tecnologico del Azuay
  • Abraham Crespo Cordova Universidad Nacional de Loja
  • Leonardo Torres León Universidad de Cuenca



cultural tourism, typology of tourists, destination rating, cuenca, ecuador


Cultural tourism has become one of the fastest growing modalities, providing an opportunity for development for many areas outside the traditional "sun and beach" destinations. However, the number of works on typologies and assessments of tourists visiting cultural destinations is still scarce. From this perspective, this article proposes an approach to the different evaluations that different groups of tourists, identified by their motivation, carried out on the city of Cuenca, in Ecuador. Based on the analysis and interpretation of the results of a survey of tourists who visit this city, this paper investigates these issues.


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Author Biographies

Abraham Crespo Cordova, Universidad Nacional de Loja

Profesor de la Universidad Nacional de Loja

Leonardo Torres León, Universidad de Cuenca

Profesor de la Fac. de Ciencias de la Hospitalidad


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How to Cite

Prada-Trigo, J., Armijos Chillogallo, D., Crespo Cordova, A., & Torres León, L. (2018). The cultural tourist: typologies and analysis of destination assessments based on the case study of Cuenca-Ecuador. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 16(1), 55–72.


