The impact of urban policy on the management of the historic-tourist city: a comparative study


  • Daniel Barrera-Fernandez Universidad de Guanajuato
  • Marco Hernández-Escampa Universidad de Guanajuato



Cultural Tourism, Urban Heritage, Urban Planing


Several policies influence in the management of the tourist-historic tourist city, which can be grouped into cultural, tourist, economic and urban development. This research focuses on the challenges and solutions brought by the latter in order to manage the tourist use of the most visited areas of the historic city. To do so, three cases have been studied: Plymouth, Malaga and Guanajuato. Having case studies from different contexts permits the extraction of various alternatives to similar problems and to assess the implementation of common tools in distinct realities, which can serve as reference for other cities that are engaged in renewing their historic centres to make them more attractive to visitors.


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How to Cite

Barrera-Fernandez, D., & Hernández-Escampa, M. (2016). The impact of urban policy on the management of the historic-tourist city: a comparative study. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 14(3).