The competitive advantage in customer service: hospitality in the 'coco vip' of the entrepreneur Valdecir


  • Elaine Gomes Borges da Silva



Hospitality, Competitive advantage, Entrepreneurship, Tourist


The main objective of the article is to contribute to the use of the principles of hospitality in whatever business involves the tourist subject. Thus, the article has as its theme hospitality as a competitive advantage from the opportunity generated by the sale of coconut to tourists visiting the Museum of Contemporary Art and residents of the southern area of the city of Niterói / RJ walking along the sidewalk. In this case the reference for the study was the differential that it employs at the Valdecir point of sale, the hospitality of Coco Vip. To answer how hospitality as a socio-cultural characteristic of the subject, spontaneous presents itself in the business - commercial hospitality - of any type of enterprise adding to the mode of service in customer service as a competitive advantage, the general objective chosen was to analyze hospitality as a competitive advantage in customer service at the point of sale Coco Vip. This main objective was broken down into the following specific objectives: to verify the actions taken in the Coco Vip sales stands to attract the attention of the tourist public and those in recreation outside the home; to identify if there is a competitive differential in the sales relationship and to identify the means used to highlight the actions of the salesperson who overlapped treating hospitality as a mode of service.



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How to Cite

da Silva, E. G. B. (2017). The competitive advantage in customer service: hospitality in the ’coco vip’ of the entrepreneur Valdecir. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 15(1), 35–48.


