https://doi.org/10.25145/j.pasos.2016.14.088Palabras clave:
pilgrimage, sacred place, religious tourismResumen
Religious tourism has posed as one of the main attraction in tourism industry worldwide, however, now we lack of a serious debate respecting to the fact any pilgrimage may be framed inside tourism. This book, which is edited by Katic, Klarin and McDonald, resulted from the event Pilgrimage and Sacred Places in Central and Eastern Europe, place, politics and religious tourism. Although pilgrimage is defined as an act of faith, devotion and penitence, which leads to redemption, in the age of mobilities scholars, signal to “religious tourism” as a transitional period where religion becomes the primary aspects of attraction.
Korstanje M 2015. “The Anthropology of Dark Tourism”, Working Paper 22 CERS University of Leeds, UK. Available at http://cers.leeds.ac.uk/files/2015/02/Korstanje_CERS_15.pdf.
Korstanje, M. E., & George, B. P. 2012. “Falklands/Malvinas: a re-examination of the relationship between sacralisation and tourism development”. Current Issues in Tourism, 15(3), 153-165.
MacCannell, D. 1976. The tourist: A new theory of the leisure class. Berkeley, University of California Press.
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