Aprendizagem individual e grupal na recepção de um hotel: um estudo de caso
https://doi.org/10.25145/j.pasos.2013.11.028Palabras clave:
Organizational learning, Individual learning, Learning in work groups, Hostelry, Organizational managementResumen
Individual and group learning at the front desk of a hotel. A case study. This study sought to understand what processes permeate learning that occurs in groups that have as their place of work the front desk of a hotel. This research is classified as a case study which used strategy for data collection semi-structured interviews with receptionists and assistants reception, participant observation and documentary analysis. Collected data were analyzed using interpretive process of textual analysis. It was found that individual learning is informal at that work place, permeated by practice. At group level it was found that some actions are developed from interactive processes among employees of the same work group, however these actions are not incorporated for all members of front desk to be considered as group learning, indicating that this is a group of low learning.
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