Spain's World Heritage Cities: Online Reputation as an element of tourism development
Cultural tourism, World Heritage Site, Social NetworkAbstract
Abstract: Cultural tourism is a type of tourism that is acquiring an importance greater and greater in Europe currently representing 40% of total tourism. This lies not only in its economic contribution but also acts as a preservative and protective of cultural and heritage resource. The declaration of World Human Heritage helps to this conservation but this also requires a degree of renewal by the destinations, especially those distinguished as a World Heritage Cities. The 2.0 tourist seeks new experiences through those experienced by other users, and uses Internet as a means for planning the trip. Destinations should manage online reputation tools for higher tourist satisfaction. This, coupled with an increasing degree of tourism development, strengthens the positioning of World Heritage Cities of Spain in the World. The objective of this research is to analyze the online reputation of World Heritage Cities of Spain extrapolating from each of its resources to the entire city in order to identify the best positioned cities in eWOM tools. This requires a presence index series based on the variables of the tools as well as a quantitative analysis of their own variables that allow this type of analysis, and thus define the cities with better positioning in the online reputation.
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