When archaeology comes to the rescue of tourism: the case of Bocana del Rio Copalita, Huatulco, Oaxaca, Mexico
Tangible and intangible heritage, folklore, Huatulco (Oaxaca)Abstract
This article deals with the difficult relationship between tourism and tangible and intangible heritage. Tourism in Mexico faces strong competition that forces it to offer a cultural plus in order to remain competitive at the international level and thus be able to personalize vacation stays. It offers sun, beach and cultural exoticism. Culture, therefore, becomes merchandise. How can respect for culture be reconciled with economic necessity? How can a reasonable balance be achieved between identity culture and merchandise culture without one being valued to the detriment of the other? We present here the case of the eco-archaeological park of Bocana del Río, Huatulco (Oaxaca), which is in charge of two different federal entities: the National Fund for Tourism and the National Institute of Anthropology and History.
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