An analysis of the effect of the fairness price perception on the consumer behavior: the case of online hotel reservation


  • María Encarnación Andrés Martínez Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
  • Miguel Ángel Gómez Borja Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
  • Juan Antonio Mondéjar Jiménez Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha



Fairness perception, price, price satisfaction, loyalty, self‑confidence


The fairness perception has an important role in consumer decision. The economic situation of many households makes that the fairness price perception was very important in the purchase behavior. This situation is not alien to such an important sector as the tourism sector, and specifically to the hotel booking. In this paper we consider the online hotel booking to analyze the consequences on purchase behavior stemming from the fairness price perception. These effects can be seen in the long term when the situation is irreversible, therefore the sellers should know those consequences to be clear about the effects that can have if their prices are considered unfair.


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How to Cite

Andrés Martínez, M. E., Gómez Borja, M. Ángel, & Mondéjar Jiménez, J. A. (2015). An analysis of the effect of the fairness price perception on the consumer behavior: the case of online hotel reservation. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 13(4), 849–864.