Barcelona's tourist image through international films
Barcelona, tourist destination, Audiovisual image, tourist image, filmsAbstract
The audiovisual world, and consequently images, are a key element in the social, cultural and economic development of 21st century societies. The real spaces transformed into audiovisual locations produce an influence, conscious or unconscious, that induces to incorporate to the personal imaginary of each one the places where their favorite productions are developed. This article is one of the latest results of the author's line of research on tourism and cinema. The main objective is to identify, analyse and evaluate the real places in Barcelona that appear in international films and to compare their similarities and differences with the tourist image of Barcelona. The results have been obtained from a mixed methodology: the analytical-descriptive one, typical of the analysis of film productions, and the hypothetical-deductive one linked to the development of the concept of image, together with comparative methods. The main conclusion of the study is the positive image of Barcelona that is transmitted by the majority of international films and that, moreover, coincides with the main attributes and values of the city's positioning
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