Tourist routes strategies of local development


  • Cláudia Brazil Marques
  • Carlos Honorato S. Santos Universidade Federal do Rio Grande



tourism strategy, local development, vale dos vinhedos, tourist route, rural tourism


Tourism as an economic activity can contribute to the social, economic and cultural development of a region. In order to understand these dynamics, it is important not only to introduce the guiding principles of development, but also to think about strategies to implement and develop the activity in specific regions. The positive and negative factors of tourism can be shown based on the peculiar characteristics of each area. However, rather than a general discussion of the problem, this study presents the planning and management strategies of tourism of the Vale dos Vinhedos (Valley of Vineyards) Wine Route, which is presented as a case study of designing tourist routes yielding local development.


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How to Cite

Marques, C. B., & S. Santos, C. H. (2014). Tourist routes strategies of local development. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 12(3), 539–548.

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