Towards a tourism for diversity


  • Rafael Cruces Portales Universidad de Valladolid



Accessibility, Prejudice, Diversity, Special needs, Tourism


This article aims to synthesise a larger ethnographic work on the circumstances surrounding the experiences of people with specific accessibility requirements when they indulge in tourism, carried out during 2015 and 2016 on the Alicante coast – Santa Pola, Elche, Benidorm – and the south of Tenerife – Los Cristianos, Arona –. The effects produced by the physical and attitudinal barriers that they have to face are analysed. The objectives outlined in this paper are: to know the factors that act as invisible barriers preventing people with special needs from fully enjoying leisure and tourism; to know why businessmen in the sector show such little interest in attracting clients with special needs; explore whether the image and symbology of special needs has an impact on the tourist experience of people in this category and to clarify whether accessible tourism constitutes a niche or a new market segment. In this regard, we provide passages from the ethnography on which the study is based, through in-depth interviews and participant observation. Likewise, the progressive application of new technologies to the travel chain accessibility is helping to set up, with greater security and dynamism, a tourism that has set a course towards diversity.


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Instituto Universitario de Investigación Social y Turismo. Universidad de La Laguna (España) - Instituto Universitario da Maia ISMAI (Portugal)


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How to Cite

Cruces Portales, R. (2024). Towards a tourism for diversity. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 22(1), 103–123.