Residents’ perceptions of post-COVID tourism. The case of Tenerife (Canary Islands, Spain)




Resident perception, Post-pandemic tourism, Tourism impacts, Destination planning, Tenerife


The perceptions and attitudes of residents in tourist destinations have been a relevant object of research almost since the beginning of academic interest in tourism. This paper analyses the implications of the temporary suspension of tourism activity (as a consequence of pandemic control strategies) on the attitudes and perceptions about tourism of residents in a mature, mass tourism destination with very low seasonality. A quantitative methodological approach is proposed, based on a survey of 749 residents in Tenerife. It is argued that the experience of an environment without tourists for the first time in decades has facilitated processes of re-symbolisation of the qualities of the surrounding tourism system, facilitating significant modifications. Likewise, in accordance with the literature, the influence of variables related to the involvement in the tourist system and its valuation by residents, especially the receipt of economic income from this activity, has been detected. Given the high economic dependence on tourism on the island, it was expected that the halt in tourism would lead to a greater recognition of its importance and value. However, the results showed that the opposite was true.


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Author Biographies

Alberto Jonay Rodríguez-Darias, Universidad de La Laguna

Instituto Universitario de Investigación Social y Turismo

Pablo Díaz Rodríguez, Universidad de La Laguna

Instituto Universitario de Investigación Social y Turismo


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How to Cite

Rodríguez-Darias, A. J., & Díaz Rodríguez, P. (2023). Residents’ perceptions of post-COVID tourism. The case of Tenerife (Canary Islands, Spain). PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 21(4), 699–711.