Health and wellbeing 2.0: analysis of the communication quality of spas in Extremadura
Comparative analysis, official web pages, quality, balneary thermal resorts, ExtremaduraAbstract
The New Technologies revolution has caused a significant change in the tourism sector. Currently, the use of the Internet is essential in the communication and promotion of companies with their potential clients, and they begin to consider the website as their cover letter. Likewise, the role of the tourist has also undergone a relevant change thanks to the implementation of ICTs, increasing their participation in the process, from searching for information through the Internet, to sharing their experience on social networks. Due to the relevance acquired by the organizations' websites, a comparative analysis of the official websites of the Extremadura thermal spa resorts was carried out to gauge their level of quality (ICW), as well as identify their outstanding aspects and potential areas of improvement. Based on the methodology used in the research project "On-line communication of tourist destinations" (CODETUR), it is concluded that Extremadura's spa webs have more developed technical than communicative aspects, thus triggering recommendations on possible communication areas.
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