The Role of Political Institutions in Tourism Development through Entrepreneurship: Current Legal Framework and Bibliometric Analysis


  • Sufia Mohand Amar Universidad de Granada
  • Paola Marcela Hermosa Del Vasto Universidad de Granada
  • Gabriel Ballesta Luque Universidad de Granada



Entrepreneurship, Tourism, Policy, Institutions, Bibliometric analysis


Previous literature recognises the great importance of entrepreneurship in a country’s development, as it constitutes a cornerstone of economic growth by favouring job creation, innovation and competitiveness. In fact, the economic difficulties faced by most countries are prompting governments to promote entrepreneurial activities with the main objective of contributing to long‑term sustainable development. In addition to entrepreneurship, tourism is also an important activity within a given economy, as it constitutes one of the main axes of a country’s economic development. Therefore, in this study, we intend to approach a relationship between entrepreneurship and tourism development, emphasising the great importance of political institutions in promoting it. To this end, we will carry out a bibliometric study to identify and quantify the existing trends in relation to these three fields: politics, entrepreneurship and tourism. Finally, we will analyse the Spanish legal framework in these areas. Policy for developing the tourism through entrepreneurship, but its implementation has been poor.


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Author Biographies

Paola Marcela Hermosa Del Vasto, Universidad de Granada

Profesora ayudante doctora del departamento de organización de empresas I de la Universidad de Granada

Gabriel Ballesta Luque , Universidad de Granada

Gabriel Ballesta Luque es Doctor en Derecho y profesor sustituto interino en la Universidad de Granada. 


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How to Cite

Mohand Amar, S., Hermosa Del Vasto, P. M., & Ballesta Luque , G. . (2023). The Role of Political Institutions in Tourism Development through Entrepreneurship: Current Legal Framework and Bibliometric Analysis. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 21(3), 461–472.