The effect of environmentally-friendly practices on hotel customers
Green hoteling, Green practices in hotels, Green customer loyalty, Green customer satisfaction, Trabzon, TurkeyAbstract
The goal of this study is to find out how green product quality, green hotel image, green customer satisfaction, and green customer loyalty are interconnected. Customers staying in green hotels in Trabzon make up the population of the study. The survey approach was utilized to collect the data used in the study. The convenience sampling method was utilized in the study, and 304 people were contacted. Prior to arriving at the hospitality facility, approximately two-thirds of the participants did not know whether the facility was an environmentally-friendly hotel. Green product quality, green customer satisfaction, and green customer loyalty are all positively related, according to the findings. Furthermore, there is a relationship among green corporate image, green customer satisfaction, and green customer loyalty. Finally, enhancing green consumer satisfaction increases green customer loyalty.
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