Scientificity in tourism studies. Theories, dichotomies and the challenge of epistemological consolidation
Epistemologia do turismo, Teoria do Turismo, multidisciplinaridade, transdisciplinaridadeAbstract
Tourism as a field of disciplinary study has theoretical propositions that are increasingly inserted in the scientific debate on the accumulation or not of epistemological knowledge capable of elevating it to the status of science. Faced with such questions, different researchers have carried out analyzes that show the fragility of tourism as a possible science, and postulate theories that contribute to the advancement of studies in the area. Thus, the development of this essay, aimed at building a line of analysis, focusing on theoretical and conceptual aspects of empirical regularities that portray tourism as multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary. In addition to the importance of overcoming paradigmatic issues towards an epistemological consolidation. Methodologically, it has a theoretical nature, with an exploratory objective, which resorted to the use of bibliographic and electronic research in order to raise some notes on the maturation process of tourism studies that orients to reflect the intrinsic complexity of the area. In the end, it appears that different fields of knowledge can interact at different levels of complexity under a multi-inter-trans disciplinary perspective with the aim of explaining tourism. However, the need for a theoretical vision that rescues the socio-philosophical exercise and transcends multidisciplinarity is noticeable, according to the creation of critical theories and models and argumentative reassessments that are not only configured as a disciplinary reproduction of other areas of knowledge, but as full exercise towards an autonomous science.
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- Academic society
- PASOS. Revista de Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural
- Publisher
- Instituto Universitario de Investigación Social y Turismo. Universidad de La Laguna (España) - Instituto Universitario da Maia ISMAI (Portugal)
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