Effects of the pandemic of the new coronavirus (Covid-19) on the tourism sector in the Northeast region of Brazil
Covid-19., Tourism , Socioeconomic effects, Pandemic, BrasilAbstract
The aim of this study is to discuss the effects of the coronavirus pandemic (Covid-19) on the tourism sector in the Northeast of Brazil. It was collated from reliable national/international news reports and data taken from the online portals of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics, the Ministry of Tourism and the Ministry of Health, the World Health Organization and the Pan American Health Organization, together with references to the impact of the pandemic on the tourism economy, both from a quantitative and qualitative perspective. The research typology is descriptive and exploratory, endorsed by the information gathered and the use of specialized literature supporting the theoretical discussion and analysis of results. Among the main effects of the pandemic in the tourism sector, the study highlights: cancellation of major events; the shutdown and/ or closing of hotels, high number of layoffs in the region’s tourism sector, among others. It also shows some actions, measures and policies to readjust the activities in an attempt to contain the economic crisis within the tourism sector.
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