The territorial impact of tourism on sustainable development: the case of the regions of Mexico 2000-2010


  • Néstor Solís Jiménez



Region, regional development, sustainable development, tourism, tourism competitiveness


This article analyzes the relationship between sustainable regional development and tourism competitiveness in the regions of Mexico during the period 2000-2010. It assumes that competitiveness is an important factor for the promotion of development, that is, the greater tourism competitiveness the more sustainable development exists in a region. However, by interrelating these variables, a very low correlation was found between them. But the same indicators for the states of the country indicate a high correlation. This suggests that the wider the space in which it is applied, the smaller the impact of tourism on development; in other words, the article concludes that tourism has a local, but not regional, impact on the drive for development.


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How to Cite

Solís Jiménez, N. (2014). The territorial impact of tourism on sustainable development: the case of the regions of Mexico 2000-2010. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 12(2), 357–368.


