The panorama of the Stricto Sensu Tourism Postgraduate in Brazil from the profile’s Professors




Graduation in Tourism, Teaching in Tourism, Knowledge Production, Brazil.


The main objective of this article designs itself into an investigation of the stricto sensu tourism graduation courses in Brazil, from both the current offered courses and the curriculums  of the professors that characterize the institutions where those  are part of. The universe included 10 graduate programs in Tourism and related areas of the Brazilian territory, totaling the characterization of 131 teachers. The research used a mixed approach, contemplating qualitative and quantitative aspects, in a complementary way. A bibliographic review on the theme was carried out in order to support the understanding of the historical path of graduate programs and the production of knowledge in the area in Brazil. The data collection adopted a scanning attitude, that is, the entire universe of teachers was investigated, based on the information available on the Lattes Platform. For statistical analysis, SPSS statistics and Microsoft excel software were used and the analyzes performed are frequency and data crossing. In a qualitative research, it was used the visual resource “wordcloud”.  This paper contributes to the debate of the relation between graduation and tourism scientific production in Brazil.


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How to Cite

Kalaoum, F., Lopes, M., & Tomazin, M. (2022). The panorama of the Stricto Sensu Tourism Postgraduate in Brazil from the profile’s Professors. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 20(1).