The importance of branding in tourism: the case of the regional entity of Tourism in Porto and Northern of Portugal




Tourism , Brand , Brand personality , Destination Branding , Porto ande Northen Portugal , Regional entity


In the last few decades, branding is an important part of marketing tourism destinations. Tourist destinations started to be seen as companies and started to use the brand as a way to attract and retain visitors. The brand is based on a perspective of value creation acting as a differentiation strategy in an increasingly competitive market.
In this context, this study presented here sought to understand how the regional entity of Tourism in Porto and Northern Portugal has developed its marketing through branding. In methodological terms, in a first part, there is an analysis of the literature on the concept of brands, and in a second part, the strategies adopted by the target entity of our study were analysed. As main conclusions, it was found that this entity sought to create its own brand, aggregating all anchor strategic products and complementary products, from its sub-regions with a view to promoting its natural and heritage resources, and to convey the idea of a glamorousa cosmopolitan destination with history and tradition.


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Author Biography

Hugo Manuel Oliveira Martins, Instituto Universitário da Maia

Doutorado em Turismo pela Universidade de Coimbra (Portugal);

Professor de Turismo  no Instituto UNiversitário da Maia  ISMAI

Investigador do CEDTUR - Centro de Estudos de Desenvolvimento Turístico


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How to Cite

Oliveira Martins, H. M., Videira Silva, C. A., Freire Pires Pinheiro, A. J., & Cordeiro Gonçalves, E. C. (2021). The importance of branding in tourism: the case of the regional entity of Tourism in Porto and Northern of Portugal . PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 19(4), 753–762.

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