Analytical perspectives to consider about the role of the state in tourism


  • Rodrigo Meira Martoni
  • Marcos Aurelio Tarlombani da Silveira



tourism, public policy, state power, class power, public fund, State apparatus


The present study suggests the need to consider two analytical perspectives in order to understand the socio-spatial dynamics promoted by the State in the field of tourism: one is general and points out that state power is integrated into class power, and the other focuses on a particular situation, in which the power exercised through the state structure may possess certain operational autonomy. From concrete cases analysed in France and Brazil, the aim is to emphasize that the findings concerning public tourism politics should not just encompass the state apparatus, but the paths established by groups who wield power in the state - and, therefore, clarify the content of policies, their impact and the relations of production engendered or safeguarded by them.


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How to Cite

Martoni, R. M., & Tarlombani da Silveira, M. A. (2014). Analytical perspectives to consider about the role of the state in tourism. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 17(4), 737–747.




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