Nineteenth-century travellers and the reinvention of Mexico's pre-Hispanic past. Humboldt and the English travellers
Archaeology, nationalism, travel literature, Tourism, travellersAbstract
Mexican archaeological heritage and the story of the historical process that gave rise to the same is a significant tourist attraction. This paper is aimed at showing how, in the 19th century, context and world vision was introduced in a diplomatic and commercial manner to dynamise the promotion of the archaeological heritage, making the pre-Hispanic past a major pull for investment, coincident with the movement in the West to "sell" the country's identity and unique roots, as the most precious jewel in the Spanish Crown, remitting the tourist to the country's great Imperial past. We review the importance of Humboldt's work, together with the texts of a series of British voyagers in the re-imaging of the past as a resource for tourism through the archaeological remains as powerful draws to the unique identity of Mexico.
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