“Unothering” Wales. Domestication as a tourist marketing strategy


  • José Igor Prieto Arranz




Domestication, Ideology, Otherness, Marketing strategy, England, Wales


Tourists in Wales are overwhelmingly British and its national tourist organisation, Wales Tourist Board, although certainly attempting to widen its share of foreign visitors, does pay special atten- tion to those promotional materials designed to target the domestic British readership. Such award- winning materials will be analysed in the present work, which places special emphasis on their two main features: on the one hand, their embedded intertextual nature; on the other, the obvious taming or domes- tication of Welshness. As a result, Wales is turned into a “gratifyingly dissimilar”, even perfected ver- sion of England, mostly catering for the potential English tourist.


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Author Biography

José Igor Prieto Arranz

Specialism: English for Tourism, discourse of tourism promotion, translation.


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How to Cite

Prieto Arranz, J. I. (2004). “Unothering” Wales. Domestication as a tourist marketing strategy. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 2(2), 233–241. https://doi.org/10.25145/j.pasos.2004.02.018

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